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CrisisIQ: ShockResQ

Encouraging disaster prepardness one step at a time

3 minute blogs from ShockResQ

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Publishing monthly blogs focusing on disasters

Month of July

Episode 5

Fighting Againest Skin Cancer

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Past Blog

Month of June

Episode 4

Empowering Introverts During Crisis: Enhancing Communication

The Impact Disasters have on Vector Borne ​Diseases

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Voices In Crisis'

A dedicated space for audience interactions and requests within the ShockResQ platform.

By sharing your story, others can learn from your experiences, gaining valuable insights into real-life situations. These shared narratives are powerful tools to inspire and encourage disaster preparedness, offering a collective understanding of the importance of proactive measures in building resilient communities.

Press here to share your story

Lined Doodle Books


If you don't have a personal story but have valuable suggestions regarding niche disaster preparedness initiatives that you believe should receive more attention, we invite you to fill out the application below. Your insights can contribute significantly to our discussions.

About CrisisIQ

CrisisIQ is a blog dedicated to disaster preparedness, providing essential information in an easy-to-understand format. Our blog posts are designed for a quick yet informative three-minute read, ensuring that critical information is both accessible and engaging.

We offer both standard and kids' versions of our content. The kids' version includes more imagery and detailed explanations to enhance a child's understanding. These episodes also encourage children to ask questions, promoting curiosity and learning. Both standard and kid versions feature pictures to aid in the reading experience.

All sources are cited to ensure the information provided is credible and reliable.

Copyright © 2024 ShockResQ, Corp. All rights reserved.

ShockResQ is a non-profit organization

EIN #99-1021250

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