Episode: 3

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Navigating and Empowering Those living with a Chronic Illness

Encouraging disaster prepardness one step at a time

What is a Chronic Illness?

Chronic diseases are like stubborn guests that stick around for a long time, not wanting to leave. They can't be kicked out for good, but with some management, they can be kept under control. Imagine having an unwanted roommate who messes with your everyday life, that's what living with a chronic illness can feel like. Conditions like Cancer, Epilepsy, Diabetes, and allergies that just won't take the hint to leave.

Now, picture trying to go through a stormy sea while carrying a heavy load on your back. That's what it's like when a disaster strikes and you're also dealing with your chronic illness. In this blog, we're going to give you some practical advice on how to handle such situations. Think of it as a survival guide tailored specifically for those who have to juggle their health alongside chaos.

Simple Lined Woman Using Binoculars

Medication and Medical Supplies:

First things first, let's talk about medication and medical supplies. If you've got a chronic illness, chances are you've got a daily ritual of popping pills or using special equipment. Keep at least one to two weeks' worth of meds nearby, just in case. And if your doses change often, make sure you've got a detailed record handy because finding a doctor during a disaster might be as easy as finding a unicorn. Think of your meds like soldiers - you want them ready for duty when you need them, organized neatly ready to strike.

Now, let's address the fridge dilemma. Ever tried keeping your cool without a fridge? It's tough. But worry not, we've got some tricks up our sleeve. Check out our blog post from April 2024, where we spilled the beans on keeping food fresh without electricity. And for those inhalers and powders that hate humidity more than cats hate water, find them a cozy, dry spot away from all that moisture, like a kitchen cabinet or nightstand.

For devices like nebulizers, which are common for people with asthama and require electricity, have battery packs or alternative energy sources on hand.

Lined Isometric Natural Disaster Kit
medical medicine sticker

Share Your Story

Have you and your family experienced a disaster? We want to hear your story! Share how you stayed safe and what you learned. Ask your parents to help you write your story!

Raising Awareness:

Raising awareness for chronic illnesses is like shining a spotlight on a hidden treasure, it's surprisingly simple yet incredibly impactful. Sometimes, people wear bracelets or ribbons in colors connected to their chronic illness. Having something easy to see during emergencies can really help. Even knowing a little can help to spot what kind of chronic illness someone might have.

colorful bracelet in abstract style
Breast Cancer Ribbon Awareness

In October, you might notice many people wearing pink. It's not a fashion trend but a way to support breast cancer awareness. Just like pink for breast cancer, there are colors for other chronic illnesses too. Now, don't get me wrong, you can rock these colors anytime, anywhere. It's just important to recognize the different colors linked to chronic illnesses.

Emergency Kits:

When you hear "Emergency Kit," you might picture a first aid kit. You might have seen them in your school, the nurse's office, or other places. But an Emergency Kit isn't exactly a first aid kit. While they can have similar contents, that's not their whole deal. The point of an Emergency Kit is to gather items you might need in a hurry when a disaster hits.

Camping First Aid Kit Travel Icon

When you hear "Emergency Kit," you might picture a first aid kit. You might have seen them in your school, the nurse's office, or other places. But an Emergency Kit isn't exactly a first aid kit. While they can have similar contents, that's not their whole deal. The point of an Emergency Kit is to gather items you might need in a hurry when a disaster hits.

Having an emergency kit is essential for tackling any disaster. These kits can be as fancy as you like. You can craft your own Emergency Kit and include items like batteries, flashlights, portable chargers, games, hygiene products, and much more. It’s like a Christmas present, but instead of opening it on Christmas, you’ll use it when a disaster strikes.

Click here to get a more in-depth guide on our website. Emergency kits aren't just for yourself; you can craft them for friends, family, or as part of our volunteer program to help disaster-affected families. They are open to people of any age!

When it comes to the type of kit, don't sweat it. You can buy one or DIY it with any old box or even a shoebox. Jazz it up with bright colors or bold designs so it's easy to spot when things get crazy. Keep it in a spot where you can grab it quickly. Making an emergency kit should be fun, and what's cooler than knowing you're ready for whatever life throws at you?

Here are some Emergency Kits the ShockResQ Team crafted for families in need.

Dealing with chronic illnesses, especially during unexpected disasters, can feel like a really big challenge. Imagine if you had to deal with it all and you're just a kid! But guess what? You're not alone. There are helpers out there to guide you through tough times. Making a simple list of things you need in case of an emergency can make a big difference.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, May 18). Overcoming barriers to medication adherence for chronic diseases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/grand-rounds/pp/2017/20170221-medication-adherence.html University of Michigan. (n.d.). About chronic disease | Center for managing chronic disease. Center for Managing Chronic Disease. https://cmcd.sph.umich.edu/about/about-chronic-disease/

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